Vermonters Support Shifting the State’s Approach to Drugs

A poll conducted by Data for Progress and the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) in 2022 found that more than four out of five (84 percent) of likely Vermont voters support eliminating criminal penalties for having small amounts of drugs

81% support reframing the state’s approach to drug use as a health issue with a focus on reducing the harms of addiction and offering health and recovery services

65% would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports eliminating criminal penalties for possession of small quantities of drugs in Vermont

68% support creating non-police crisis response programs to send civilians instead of police as first responders in emergencies involving suspected drug use

59% support opening overdose prevention centers where trained staff can administer life-saving overdose reversal medications in an emergency

60% support establishing a criminal record sealing process to allow individuals with criminal records for drug possession to remove them from public view

50% of voters who responded have personal experience with drug addiction or have someone close who has experienced addiction or overdose